“Talking Shop” Panel Discussion


Come to Transworld SKATEboarding headquarters this Saturday, November 7th for a pretty cool event curated by WorkInSkateboarding.com

Talking Shop is a Panel Discussion based on various issues to do with creating a career path geared towards working in skateboarding.

Moderated by Walker Ryan

Panelists are:
Kim Woozy – Founder of MAHFIA.TV
David Jurusik – Transworld Skate Marketing executive
Fred van Schie – Leading social media skateboarding consultant
Kelly D Williams – Owner of Permanent Distribution, Broadcast Wheels and Format Skateboards.

Interactive workshop with the Panelists to follow discussion. Tickets available thru Eventbrite.

By Permanent

PERMANENT.CO is a distributing agency and co-op for the new generation of premium brands from around the world.