Scotty Whitlake, Terje Hakoonsen and Nicolas Muller

The conditions were excellent. Scotty Whitlake, Terje Hakoonsen and Nicolas Muller showed off their carving skills and style. Check out Nicolas Muller  scene (1:30 min into it) when he does a 180 degree Front Ollie with perfect Skate  style. He’s one of the best snowboarders ever. Terje is Out of this World

Snowboard Innovation by John Jackson

Snowboard Innovation by John Jackson from BuoLoco on Vimeo. Making a video part usually takes longer than it should. Sometimes things line up right away with snow, weather, stability, a healthy snowmobile, and you bang it out real quick. Other times you can get stuck in ruts of all these things where it feels like… Continue reading Snowboard Innovation by John Jackson