The Panoramic Series: Berlin with Jan Kliewer

Panoramic Screengrab

Phil Evans returns with the 3rd installment of The Panoramic Series. Beautiful filming and edit, Jan Kliewer’s smooth skating, and the sights of Berlin.

Watch below:

If you haven’t seen the previous installments, check out London with Nick Jensen and Stockholm with Daniel Gronwall.


By J. Namdev Hardisty

J. Namdev Hardisty did what every child of 80's skateboarding and 90's hardcore does- he became a graphic designer, writer and entrepreneur. He’s a partner in The MVA Studio, a hybrid design/marketing agency and teaches at Minneapolis College of Art & Design. In addition to blogging at Permanent, he also writes at and Namdev also has some kind of marketing role at Permanent and so he will try to be very transparent in his promotion of Permanent’s brands and riders.